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You need to setup your homepage first!

1. Go to Admin -> Plugins then activate all plugins.

2. Go to Admin -> Pages and create a page:

- Content:
[simple-slider key="home-slider"][/simple-slider]
[site-features icon1="icon-rocket" title1="Free Delivery" subtitle1="For all orders over $99" icon2="icon-sync" title2="90 Days Return" subtitle2="If goods have problems" icon3="icon-credit-card" title3="Secure Payment" subtitle3="100% secure payment" icon4="icon-bubbles" title4="24/7 Support" subtitle4="Dedicated support" icon5="icon-gift" title5="Gift Service" subtitle5="Support gift service"][/site-features]
[flash-sale title="Deal of the day" flash_sale_id="1"][/flash-sale]
[featured-product-categories title="Top Categories"][/featured-product-categories]
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[featured-products title="Featured products"][/featured-products]
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[product-collections title="Exclusive Products"][/product-collections]
[product-category-products category_id="17"][/product-category-products]
[download-app title="Download Martfury App Now!" subtitle="Shopping fastly and easily more with our app. Get a link to download the app on your phone." screenshot="general/app.png" android_app_url="https://www.appstore.com" ios_app_url="https://play.google.com/store"][/download-app]
[product-category-products category_id="15"][/product-category-products]
[newsletter-form title="Join Our Newsletter Now" subtitle="Subscribe to get information about products and coupons"][/newsletter-form]

- Template: Homepage.

3. Then go to Admin -> Appearance -> Theme options -> Page to set your homepage.